Online Coaching for Indian Economics Services and Other Courses

IES, IAS Economics Optional & UGC Net Economics Preparation

Online Courses: Indian Economic Services, IAS Economics Optional, UGC Net Economics


Indian Economic Services Coaching with live online classes and separate platform for Recordings.


Monday to Friday
10 AM tentatively
You will be given an online platform on which all recordings are uploaded.
You are given recordings daily, so you need not worry about it.
You are given recordings, and after going through recordings at your own pace, you can ask doubts on the platform.
Paper 1, 2, 3 and 4 for IES and Complete Paper 1 and 2 for IAS Economics Optional.
Yes, that is why, we have live classes. They (live classes) help in streamlining the course as we go on. Will you cover every topic in the live class? Mostly yes. Sometimes we will also be giving you recordings to be done before or after the class. They will also be uploaded in the same folder, where other current live classes are getting uploaded
Mostly yes. Sometimes we will also be giving you recordings to be done before or after the class. They will also be uploaded in the same folder, where other current live classes are getting uploaded
Yes, we could have and we have been doing that, but interaction with students helps, not only to students but it helps us (teachers) also. It helps in making the course, resembling one to one to the syllabus.
You can join at anytime. Once the course has started you can always watch recordings of previous classes. But at that same time, you also have to understand that there is nothing like joining in the middle of the course in online course. You are getting entire course at once, plus, you will be getting the set of live class recordings, already held, properly arranged on a platform. You may do them, and ask doubts, if any.
You have our numbers, you can message us or you may mail us. There is forum on the platform too, which you can use. Also, while the class is going on, you may ask your doubts there too.
At least, four months, but it can slip over to more months too. The exam is generally in June, so we have enough time to prepare
Yes, the course is already recorded. And with this year’s (almost) daily live class, it will be updated even better.
It depends on you. It helps in bringing discipline and regularity, but there are many students who always want to do things at their own pace, for them recordings are always there.
No, and a resounding no. Leave this paper, coaching is not necessary for any paper, what is necessary, is, your notes, your revision and your regularity. Coaching can give you a regularity, which sometimes students lack and it will help you make notes along with past years, so that you don’t have to spend your time in researching and making notes. And there is someone from whom you can interact and ask doubts. This is the way coaching can help. This is the right attitude before joining any coaching.
No, but it is huge. That makes it difficult. Anything worthwhile is little difficult.
365 days from the date of enrolment.
There is no harm, at least for an hour everyday. If there is anything new, you may add to your notes and if not, then it will be revision for you.
Yes, and it will be updated with these live classes
The course for Indian Economic Services is a superset, it includes almost all topics, which are asked in IAS Economics Optional and includes few more topics. There is a nomenclature difference between the two. There are few topics like Economic History, asked primarily in IAS Economics Optional but not in IES, its (Economic History) will be separately provided. But right now, the course which will be followed strictly is IES, and later, we will also bring up the cycle for (word-for-word) IAS Economics syllabus. You may check the syllabus of two papers yourself and then decide
Well, yes and no both. It depends how you look at it. Micro, Macro, Development Eco, International Eco, and all other subjects will remain same, whether you prepare for IES/ IAS Economics Optional or UGC Net. But the questions which will be discussed here will be descriptive and not MCQs, as are asked in UGC Net Economics. The topics will remain same, but the pattern of the questions are different, so you decide. In these live classes / recordings, no MCQs will be discussed, but we are sure you may answer them, having gone through the course. But, again, you may wait, till we come up with UGC Net Economics course explicitly.
Please call at 9999886629 and clear your queries